Friday, May 29, 2020

it's been a very long time....

and it's time to return....

there are projects to posts, updates to make, and time to dust off the camera...

to be continued tomorrow...

welcome back to me.... I've missed you!

Monday, April 8, 2019

I need a road trip.....a long road trip with my life partner.....

I don't need more yarn, but that fact doesn't remove the desire

so instead, I will wish for a long anywhere

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

well, the holiday weekend flew by as quickly as expected -
did I labor? of course, but for me, it's necessary
there was time spent in the garden, a new feeder was added
socks were completed, sweater for Noa is nearly done (one sleeve to go!!!!)
another sock cast on this morning (two more cast on's planned before the end of the day)

bulbs have been planted (more to come next weekend)
soil added to the planter beds and the coop moved to the side of the house for Sophia (who I prefer to call Allyne)

a roasted chicken made into Chicken Tortilla soup and put in the freezer for later in the month with the hope cooler weather is on the way

lots of talking over the front yard fence with neighbors - with a newborn neighbor's baby girl added to my knitting list for a cute baby girl beanie with a soft pom pom

so I'm off, to begin a new (but shorter work week ahead!)
have a great day, I'll be back soon....

new pictures to post tonight of recent projects off my needles and updates on the house projects as well....

enjoy your day :-)