Okay, now I am starting to feel like I'm going away this weekend. An event happened a couple of years back that has had a lasting effect on me - life changes on a dime, when you think you can plan, control, expect your future, sometimes you're reminded that,in fact,you have no control whatsoever what life will hand you. So, I leave on Saturday and decided yesterday to print out my ticket (I waited until the last possible moment to purchase without having to pay additional costs), the suitcase is somewhat packed. This may sound as if I go through life paranoid now, actually, I have learned to live in the moment, enjoy what is directly in front of me on that given day.
So, I have spent the past few evenings selecting patterns and yarns to take, clothes have never been much of an interest to me, jeans and tee shirts are my usual outfit so that's simple to pack.
The lucky fibers to make the cut:
Malabrigo for a pair of fingerless gloves, Rowan for a Christmas gift, Cotton Tots for a burp cloth (airline knitting project) and the best ever Mohair known to mankind for a scarf (another gift) and Marino/Cashmere for another pair of gloves - HOW LONG AM I GOING TO BE GONE YOU ASK????? Not long enough to complete all these projects but when you're in heaven (that's what I've been told this location is) you'll want to have wonderful yarns to select from. Did I tell you the class I've signed up for is gardening???? Will there be knitting in the gardening class?? NO.
Do I garden much? NO. If you saw my current gardening project you'd say I needed to sign up for this class long ago......
I wish everyone a good week (what's left of it), tomorrow is a graduation celebration and the remaining two evenings will be spent with Husband and final packing (I think I need to take more than one pair of shoes so shopping may be necessary). So, for now, good bye. I will be taking pictures of my travels and will share with you this special place. There are no t.v.'s or phones or computers where I'm going so my blogging will be delayed for a short time. I look forward to sharing with all of you but at the same time will be somewhat disappointed when I can in fact share - that will mean my trip is over. So, wish for me time goes slowly, days are long, evenings longer. Like the song - "I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again".
Now I have that song in my head... OOhh I am so excited for you and cannot wait to hear the wonderful stories you will have when you get back. My knitting is always the first thing packed and usually I over do, but I would think that one would never want to run out while away from their stash. Have a great trip!
Have an awesome and safe trip!
Cant wait to see your projects when you get home.
Thank you!! I hope this trip will be everything I've hoped for. If I find a computer somewhere I'll post from Wisconsin with pictures, otherwise, look from me on Tuesday June 29th.....I'll be checking your blogs too for updates!!! Thanks again friends!
Looking forward to hearing about your trip,and do check back to my blog,I will write up a post about that question you asked me;)
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