Wow, this is talent, I can read a pattern or recipe, but the gift of having an idea and bringing it to reality, just a thought, a picture in your head, that must be so cool inside of one's brain and then seeing it hanging on the patio.....I can't come up with this but I do have the extreme pleasure of being the receptient.
Last weekend we brought home some old wood from property owned by my family members, an idea was hatched.....every night after work he went into the garage alone - cutting, woodburning, hand held drill (thing looks antique, do they still sell those things?)a trip into the kitchen looking in the frig looking for a wine bottle???
I was told to "just wait", but I knew something wonderful was in the works.
Upon arriving home from work, I was told to close my eyes and was guided out to the back patio - "open your eyes" and this is what I saw...

My Favorite Dinner - I love tomatoes, basil and pasta!!
Here's a look inside the kitchen of Lap Dog - I like this recipe because it is meatless, just pasta and vegetables and I love to make croutons covered with parmigiano reggilano cheese....speaking of vegetables, it's a good thing we are not depending on my garden to feed us - I need help in the growing vegetable department...Have a great day everyone, Husband, it's been 30 years and you still amaze me everyday...Tonight a glass of wine under that awesome light fixture.

Martina McBride said it best... I call you mine.
What a wonderfully talented man you have there. Your new light fixture outback is fantastic! Yum to that pasta dish too. Looks like a nice way start to a great weekend. Enjoy!
What a Sweetie!
Here's to 30 more!
You sound like you have an AMAZING hubby! That story gave me butterflies in my stomache!
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