I've been thinking about the changes I'll be making in 2012.......
Are you going to make any changes????
Nothing radical.......enhance a few things.....simplify others.......
I have no expectations of the new year......
I don't even have any hopes for the new year......
Except that you'll still be out there....sharing my blog with me.
Take care,,,,,I'll be back soon - my mind is skipping ahead - I need to stay in the "moment".
I look forward to sharing 2012 with you :)
I am a "one day at a time" kind of gal,lol! Not many plans here!
That's a good question, and something I've been thinking about, too. Maybe adding more green drinks, and maybe springing for a Vitamix or Blendtec blender. Maybe growing some greens. Oh, it all gets so ambitious so fast! One thing's for sure, i'll be checking in here... happy holidays to you and your family!
a very merry christmas to you & yours~
Yes, I have been thinking along similar lines, nothing drsatic but maybe focussing on somethings.
Hope you're having nice weather and a Merry Christmas to you and your family!
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