Saturday, August 17, 2013

from my back door....I spy...???

it was a completely lazy day......

I haven't done a lazy day since...well, I don't remember when....

Steve worked around the trailer....sweating.....

I watched from inside and asked through the window using sign/body language if he needed any help......hoping his head would motion side to side indicating..."No, you're safe to stay inside and enjoy the air conditioning...... you lazy wife".....

so from the comforts of the sofa Lap Dog and Gina and I watched hour after hour television shows from my childhood....I love the cable channel out here and the free WiFi for the lap top....

over the next six months there will be major construction on our road to replace the sewer lines and water mains....

it's necessary and we'll likely miss the noisy loud part since our time here is limited....

that gives us a chance to take care of boat tires in need of cart batteries and tires too....

there's always something in need of a bit of cash thrown at it....

I opened the door to take the dogs out this a.m. and was greeted with intensive heat....and it's not even 7:00 a.m. yet...

the days forecast.....dangerous heat....which means in my world...Gina will be wearing her doggie shoes so her feet won't burn....and Mommy (me) will be enjoying another day of Gun Smoke and The Rifle Man on t.v.

let's get back to opening the door to take the dogs out....
I always look for two things....

the first: rattle snakes...not uncommon at all here....we've had two....and I'm ALWAYS in flip flops

the second: coyote....common right outside our door.....I stopped counting them and keep Annie close

but yesterday was a first with this fellow....

I'd heard about him....he's new to the neighborhood....and very welcome

I said to Steve...
"Oh, he's you think he'll come over?"

He  asked himself....

"did I hear what I think I heard?"
"did they invite me over"

Howdy neighbor..... 

"I'm willing to take any handouts of tasty foods you want to offer up"

"as you can see...I'm a bit torn and tattered and the herd has sent me packin'"

we didn't give him any much as I WANTED to...
Steve said it's dangerous for him to depend on people for food...
that he's wild and needs to live and eat off the desert..

well, since I'm sure he's heard those words a few times before...
and I stopped him before he headed
up my porch steps to follow me inside the trailer for a peek inside..

he made a right turn and went visiting Laurie's front steps in hopes of a morsel or two from her

he enjoyed the cooler temps given off the concrete vs. asphalt
and would gladly have stayed an extended amount of time for
all the photography practice I wanted ......

but "Mr. Laurie".....aka "Wes ... King of the Barbeque's"

treated him to a shower from the garden hose before he left a calling card
on his much loved and often cleaned concrete slab....

off went our newest neighbor....
to a location where he was sure he'd receive a welcoming crowd....

the front door of our local market...

a short walk down the back road.....

and if that didn't work....

there's always the campground......


JuJu said...

I absolutely love this little fella.
And the fact that your dog wears shoes.

Sherri B. said...

Oh, he is sooo cute, I bet it was hard to not feed that sweet face.

Stay cool and watch out for those snakes..yikes! xo

Caroline said...

I run in the fields near our house, and I'm always thinking that every stick or twig is a rattler. I've lived in the desert for most of my life, and the first live rattle snake I ever saw was at the beach about a month ago, how funny!

Love the donkey. Are you in the Mojave? I didn't even know we had those in California.