Thursday, August 1, 2013

paleo planning.....

it's starting off to be a good day......

the new month has brought along a change....

I'm adjusting my eating habits for the next 30 days....

to extreme health....

that processed anything....

since I did try awhile back to give up diet Coke and that lasted all of four days and two hours...

I doubt this diet plan will go the full 30 day calendar....

we'll's been 26 minutes....breakfast was perfect....eggs and chopped tomatoes..

my job?'s work.... and too stressful for what's feeling like an extended amount of time...

mom?.....she's keeping us guessing......her health and mental condition is constantly the topic of the day.

lately I've done so many things for others to help keep their lives humming along it's come at a cost to my own mental wellbeing....

my blogging has all but fallen apart....
my photography is seldom thought of...
my personal living space is in need of time and a tidy dusting of lemony polish and fresh flowers...

it won't take much time or attention to get myself back....healthy food...fresh air....quiet clean space...

and I'd love to add a martini in that description but my diet plan excludes that pleasure....

so instead....I'll ride my bike to burn off an extra pound and reward myself with a handful of baby carrot sticks....

did I say 30 diet plan???    should be interesting if I last until the weekend ....

 that's when Steve will suggest taking Zoe in the stroller to the donut shop....

do glazed donut holes count on Sundays if you're dieting??? I vote all diet plans exclude Sundays!!!


Southern_Belle_Reincarnated said...

Prayers going out to you, your mom and your family, Kyle. Take a deep breath, eat your healthy diet (sneak in a donut hole and a martini here and there - you'll thank me for that advice), get your exercise and mostly....MOSTLY! take time to smile and laugh. (((HUGS)))

Sherri B. said...

Sometimes things do seem to creep right up on us when we are too busy to realize it. Next thing you know, the dreaded 'Mr. Overwhelmed' comes knocking at the door.

You are so wise to stop and take action. Your diet sounds like one that Lindsay of The Wooden Nest blog, just got off of. It is called Whole 30. Here is the link to the post she did to report on how the 30 days went..very interesting.

I will be praying for you and your family. Will you let us know how things are going?

Much love and hugs, my friend,.

opportunityknits said...

Hang in there! Do what you can, vent as much as you want and remember that everything passes in time.
I've been stressed lately too and I should go on a diet but bah ... not right now :)

Mereknits said...

You can do it, the diet I mean. Just keep tallying the hours and days, and ask yourself if you really want to start all over again? That always keeps me going in the right direction. Sorry about your Mom, older parents are so tough on us all. We love them, but it is hard to see their decline.

JuJu said...

I can't believe you're dieting during all this stress. I'm impressed. I guess it is the one thing you can be in charge of and control.
Hang in there and be sure to treat yourself often. (I'm not talking solely about food)
I think a night with Ariel is calling you.