Sunday, December 29, 2013

dutch oven 101

for Christmas I was given a dutch oven……

a special type so that I can have fun cooking, baking…and eating while we are out in the world camping….

I thought this was the perfect weekend to open the box, find a recipe and give it a go…..

box opened….check

recipe with ingredients……check

coals ready…..check

put on the lid and wait….

until then???

take the camera and go for a walk……

I need more practice folks…..the cake was perfect, the topping….not so much….oops.

next time?
keep the walk shorter….check

it isn't the prettiest of cakes….

there'll be no job offer from The Cake Boss thats for sure…
but the smell while it was baking….


1 comment:

Sherri B. said...

It must have been pretty good..looks like there has been some 'takers'. xo