Sunday, September 28, 2014

I stepped away for a few days…
and then I flew away…

the plane took me to a new destination…
one shared with family..
they'd never been before either…

a house was reserved…
with staircases and bright empty openness..

after settling in…my hands so shaky with the cell phone camera with excitement..

our first adventure on the list…?

bicycles with helmets with an entertaining tour guide…

Daniel…he was all thumbs up and "way cool"..

and then we were off… 9:00 a.m. for the first full day and ready to begin the adventure...

come ride along and see a bit of downtown Portland...

Daniel….born and raised in Portland...

an interesting assortment of people decorated most every corner

a great way to begin our week in Oregon….

did I tell you Pam was the expert rider?…. she dodged that pole with the greatest of ease…

quite impressive…..if I didn't know better I would have thought she was a local...

see you tomorrow with more of Portland….the best is yet to come


Mereknits said...

It looks like it was a wonderful tour. Enjoy your time away,

wagwinggarden said...

beautiful the BIG trees lining the street.......and I want that HOUSE...