Wednesday, September 3, 2014

since the weekend had included a trip to the pie shop…
and muffins filled the glass case along side the baked pies…
I opted for a bit of blueberry cupcake...
a whole banana whipped cream pie at 400 calories a slice was hubby's choice to bring home...

my week day morning began with a touch of pink on a plate and berries with butter….on the side

oh, who are we kidding?…

directly on top and warmed if you please….

the day was off and running….

and continued through out with thoughts of what was to come…

as the sun began to set…

wheels were moved….smiles and anticipation met…..

and a sweet goodbye was made….

Jenni and Chris, little Biscuit the dog, all on their way home to begin a new chapter with Ariel….

after returning home I searched the Internet for inspirational trailer interiors…

oh, there were plenty to see….

colors and themes and countless ideas…

where to begin???
I suppose removing the two dead flies on the counter would be a good beginning?…
and a shopping trip, lunch with my Sisters On The Fly Sunday a.m?…..

Pork 'n Beans, The Swan, The Sequel, The Fly Trap….????
it's been called by many names so far…

but "wonderful" hasn't been one of them...

so my new little Deluxe Cardinal will begin it's journey from toad to treasure…
camping reservations are underway…
hand stitched pillowcases are tucked aside, decals of flying birds and feathered nests…

I offered hubby the option to sell it and find something fully restored and ready to roll…
he didn't take me up on it….instead….stated he wanted the project….

so with that offer now off the table….
where's the power tool?….this Cardinal is coming apart...

I will miss you…take good care of Jenni…..


wagwinggarden said...

The memories of Ariel remain in your heart...Looking forward to watching your cardinal "take flight"......& where are all these baked goods coming from?😃

Jenni said...

I haven't had time for any decorating, but after the heat breaks I'm planning to sit inside and be inspired. I am looking forward to seeing your Cardinal's transformation. :)