Monday, October 27, 2014

I know I said I was going to step away….
and I did….and I may again…
but since this is my space….to say and do what I want…

there are no rules here for me…

come or go…pictures or not….

it doesn't matter….

since I've last posted there's been knitting, rails painted, baking, and bathroom remodeling underway..

old stained glass pictures now fill the windows...

vintage blue shutters fit perfectly, a million to one shot find while shopping a local flea market…

we've been in this house so many years now and it's still not finished…

I'm always tweaking a room's decorating, the outside yards are in a constant state of change…

but I'm thrilled when I go outside to pick a fresh lemon for a recipe, oranges for my breakfast juice, flowers for my table, herbs for dinner, and eggs from the coop….

the chicken's area is in transition with additional fencing going up - and of course, it's not off limits to a bit of decorating too, so decals and vintage plates are included…

new string lighting, chicken painted tracks and giant varieties of color are also planned…

the camping trailer revamping???

scheduled for November…I'm planning 72 hrs. of non stop work…when the inside is "rot free"…it's ready to roll down the highway…the exterior paint and details will continue after…I have the itch to hit the road…

enjoy your week…I'll be back in a few days...

it's really good I work full time…I can't imagine my life otherwise…my home reflects me….
a bit cluttered, warm and unsettled….and anchors my restless mind...

1 comment:

Katiebee said...

welcome back! you've been missed :)