Wednesday, March 18, 2015

there's been vintage treasures for me....matching pots....perfectly matching still my heart..
there's been another tool purchase...the perfect tool to match the task at hand... be still HIS heart...
new pine replaces dry flooring....a new screen door under construction with a local business

my hand is over my heart when I look at the scattered pieces of trailer...
nearly every corner of the yard....
a screen, trim pieces along side bags of rusty screws or handles...
the trash can lid supporting my recently painted color sample....
the color more perfect than thought possible from a can...

and when the day's at an end...dinner's finished...walk completed...dishes washed...
I sit and knit silliness....
bottle dresses...

Zoe's may think Nana has just fallen off her rocker...
or she may just gather up every bottle she can find at home and bring 'em over...

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