Saturday, December 25, 2010

It Was All Good

It was a long day, a good day, a day spent with family, a day to always remember.
A day with surprises, special gifts, a very long distant phone call from those too far away from home, time and meal shared with someone who would have been alone otherwise on this day - remembering a loved one who is absent but remains so near in our hearts. A full day, a day and time of year I'm glad has come to a close. 

I hope this day was everything you've been planning and preparing for these few past weeks. That as you reflect on the year coming to an end that it was filled with more laughs than tears, more achievements than failures, more hope for the future than worry of what's ahead for the course of your life.

Tomorrow the decorations come down, the house is cleaned up, the suitcase will be packed for the trip coming soon for the New Year's weekend.

It was a good day - a grateful day, have a good evening everyone.

Tomorrow I'll share what I found under the Christmas tree with my name on it.....


Unknown said...

Looking forward to New Years with you guys! See you soon *whoohoo**

Prairie Rose said...

Sounds like you had a lovely Christmas!
Have a great New Year!

~ The Jolly Bee ~ said...

I think taking down is just as hard as putting up -- all those decorations. My husband and I have been at it all morning (just taking a little blog break here). It's also a bit nostalgic. I'm glad you had a wonderful time.