Thursday, March 22, 2012

taproot pics...

I ran out of time this morning but I wanted you to see this.

I had a chance this afternoon to sit and read several of the articles...interesting.

Not sure this is a magazine I would have picked up at the market but since I paid for the full
subscription I'm looking forward to the issues in the coming months.

All the people involved in putting this magazine together seem to be residents of the Eastern area of the's interesting that they write about living simple, connecting to the land, gardening...and yet...
they are completely tied into and dependent on the technology of computers, etc for making their livings.

If you've seen this...did you enjoy it?

We're leaving tomorrow.... gettin' outta town.....

no chickens where we'll be going, no herb gardens, no 200 year old farmhouses as the folks in the magazine seek...
but the results of getting away/off the grid.....well, it's just down the highway....

I'm taking along a new pattern...and Lap Dog.
I'll be photographing the entire project....
The following weekend we're hitting the road again and I HAVE to be more familiar with the camera and lens....
going to San Francisco...cable cars..golden gates....

Enjoy your Friday.....see you Sunday


Sherri B. said...

Sounds like a wonderful weekend...have fun my friend. xo

Britt Lauren said...

Thanks for all your comments on my blog!! I really needed the encouragement today! Thanks for uplifting my spirits!! I hope that you have a wonderful weekend traveling!! Thanks again!

Unknown said...

Inquiring minds want to know what your casting on for now? I hope you don't give up on the lady feb it's worth it, i promise. My knitting has been kept to quick and simple pieces since i've been so busy. I'm casting on for some much needed dish cloths. Have a great weekend!

village folk art said...

Thanks for visiting me ... I too enjoyed visiting you. It is a very refreshing Blog indeed as are your followers, of which I am now. Hope you have a terrific 'Getaway'. We all need that from time to time just to get recharged. The best part of getting away is getting back home. You always seem to appreciate it so much more.
Anyways, EnJoY with much Peace, Barb

Heather said...

I may have posted this comment a bit late, but I will send my greetings anyway...hope you're having a fun trip!