Tuesday, January 7, 2014

good morning day…..

my thoughts continue to be with those living in the arctic blasted states with weather I can't relate to….

the cold is beyond anything I have ever…EVER experienced….

these are the times I'm glad my husband who rarely tells me "no"….

said "no" to moving out of warm California to freezing Chicago area as I begged for more than a time or two….or three….or hundred…..

as the sun comes up today I'm settling in and pondering the activities for the week ahead….

pottery to organize…,
curtains to order from a dogeared catalog…
clay pots waiting on fresh potting soil and herbs to grow alongside the new pine fence and gate where the fast growing chickens Sally Ride, Bonny and Matilda now call home….

I roam around the rooms of this little house…..the sounds of the dishwasher gurgling a handful of feet away…the soft morning peeps made from the chicks outside the kitchen window…

I suppose I should be giving some thought to getting ready for work….

but I want to linger in this space a bit longer…..

linger in the quiet of morning as the sunshine silently fills my rooms….


wagwinggarden said...

I'm never going to have a home in the country.But that's ok.When I feel the need for some country living I'm just a mile away to your front door.One thing missing......I love cows....Steve have any thoughts on that........

JuJu said...

SO love this and SO love you.