Tuesday, August 26, 2014

after what felt like a long day at work I came home to see, read and hear that:

someone just found themselves a sweet job living rent free on 55 acres as a caretaker..
someone else celebrated a new purchase that will require lots of sweat and shovels..
someone has all the time in the world to play and make scented soaps…
someone has the entire day to spend discussing what to wear to an event 10 months from now…

and that's when I decided I needed a cookie (or the entire tray) to go along with my pity party…
I know that what people put on Facebook and such is hardly the whole picture..

but really folks…the entry "Hey, I got the place rent free and it's beautiful on 55 acres with a picture of the most adorable house attached???

well, I have to tell you…I strongly considered a couple of martinis to go along with my three trays of cookies…

today…it's back to work…and if anyone would like to meet me at the gym??
I'll be there working off the frustration and calories Facebook has been known to cause…

and for the rest of the week???
well, I hope to be playing in my chicken coop, walking along the beach watching the sunset, and dusting off the layer of filthy dust you can see on my header photo on the brown table..
now you know you're going to scroll up to the header picture and look…
go ahead…I'm just like you…life with bits of good tossed in with stresses and dust a day brings..

I'm keeping it real friends…the good, the dirty and the little bit of envy that crept into my day….

and truthfully, I only ate two cookies…hubby will eat the rest…

I would have had to add depression alongside the momentary envy if I ate all those cute lil M & M's..
and who am I kidding here…I don't belong or ever go to a gym...

have a great day…and I'll be doing the same…and just to keep it real a bit longer …
I'll leave the dusting until the weekend..

1 comment:

wagwinggarden said...

Ok ... Gonna need recipe for these cookies... For my next pity party😳