Monday, November 17, 2014

I'm laying here with thoughts of the weekend's activities..
with the dogs near by, as usual…never far from my side…ever
commitments to others made for future campouts...
(don't ask me what I'll be camping in… the trailer hasn't been touched yet to repair the rot damage)
I am now enjoying my heightened and improved chicken fence…and if it wasn't still dark outside I'd take a photo to show you…
but it's not finished yet with the new plantings and coop signs so I think I'll wait a bit longer …
and I've decided "the ladies" need a curtain for the hen house door since winter is on the way..
ha..did I say winter?…here, that means we will get down to the 60's…40's would be heaven...
the bathroom remodel has the tub fixtures now…still waiting to install…tick tock...
can't wait to try out the "rain" shower head….
my knitting is almost complete on the surprise scarf for "Chicago"….and enough to make a matching hat…
a special meal shared with my loved ones…complete with fresh cookies on the table as one of the entrees…
of course this was the first plate the hand reached for when Eric spotted them…
not the expected three year old…Daddy beat her to them...

a full weekend to be sure…the best part?…
I ordered the long overdue eye glasses for night time driving…
the pair I'm using now require one eye shut so I can't see the huge scratch that blocks the right lens…

enjoy your week…I'll show you soon the knitted Noro….and the chicken fence since who knows when I'll ever get the signs attached and it will always be a work-in-progress...

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