Thursday, April 23, 2015

I thought if I made a mental list, and then snapped a photo of it....
there'd be a better chance that I'll actually get 'er done this weekend...
dusting, picking up clutter, having the trailer decorations in one singe location...
instead of the ten places currently ..... or more if I was totally honest here....

now that I'm feeling on track and on a mission it will happen...
while cruising room from room this morning, I thought about the things I love in this house...
starting with.....the automatic garage door....
I love that thing!!!
pushing a button and viola....the door rolls up and out I go....

of course, the dishwasher has a button, and the ice maker, and sprinkler system....
but I do love that garage door button best....
I have always had this lingering thought though....
what's happens if I push the button one day....and it doesn't roll back down?

buttons may not be all they're cracked up to be should that day come...

there'll be new photos to frame of a baby who isn't a baby anymore...
a pantry to clean and organize and fill with surprises for the next time "the baby that isn't" comes over..
and of course...that other button used each and every weekend...
the dear sweet washing machine.....

have a great day...see you soon with pics of my trailer treasures..
just as soon as I gather them up from the dozen or so places they're scattered....

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