Tuesday, April 21, 2015

I treated myself to a little surprise in the mail...
my half finished projects are many...
so I thought perhaps these would provide the motivation to get my fanny in gear and finish them..

my garden has been planted...only a few scattered flowers remain waiting to be added...

a few string lights, flags and a swing for my hens and it'll be time to watch and wait for the crops...

a trip to the store didn't result in finding a new curtain for the guest bathroom, so add another project for the sewing machine...

it will be a nice Saturday afternoon task while watching the Food Network with Mom...

along with finally finishing her knitted vest from four years ago...or has it been longer than that?

Zoe's sweater project is on the needles...and looking like it will fit when she's eleven instead of four...

geez, why did I ever think I could become a crafty woman?

you read these blogs and get the notion that maybe by some miracle you can be like them....

the tag on the package??? Alicia?....a blogger who frustrates the heck out of me...

I'd hoped by some power in the universe...... something would rub off onto me if I ordered her sweet tiny scissors....her talents somehow magically passed along inside the packaging...

if not, I suppose I could use them cut up my pitiful attempts...

either way...I am now the happy owner of heart scissors from France and grand baby Zoe will one day inherit them..

and maybe tell stories about her Nana who tried ever so hard to knit, sew, and bake her way through Zoe's childhood...

maybe I would be better off buying two plane tickets to France for Zoe and I....and take the scissors along for the trip...and leave the crafting to Alicia....


Anonymous said...

I too just received a package from Alicia and I was amazed how it was packaged and the attention given to detail. I am going to "try" and make the alphabet sampler. I know exactly how you feel and I just keep doing even though it may not be the best, it pleases me. I so enjoy your blog and every time I see an old style trailer I think of you.


kathy b said...

wow. THat's a fantastic gift to you! I love gifts to me!