Thursday, April 9, 2015

these last few weeks - or maybe it's just been days...
feel a bit slow, heavy hearted and soggy...
work has such a huge influence inside my brain...
it's time for a change...
to clear my mind and get some much needed fresh air...

a road trip is just the answer...

my knitting, little dog, and sandals are ready...
there's a very long list of things that need my attention at home...
but, it's been too long since seeing the lake...
and everything will still be waiting when I return...

time away will help in organizing the coming seasons plan....
the garden..what size shall it be? remembering last years 17 tomato plants...a bit over zealous...

I've never succeed in the flower cutting garden dept...
at least, not at this house...
remember the zinnias from years ago?? well, you wouldn't, but I do..and I loved them...
this will be the summer I plant giant zinnias...and sunflowers...wishing for a clothesline nearby...
if I try hard enough...surely one of these years will come a successful garden...

along with wearing white clothes...
I've also decided this summer...
my wardrobe will consist mainly of white garments..
don't ask my why or how I came up with that...
it just sounds like a plan for the summer I'm 57 years old...
along with continuing to let my hair grow..

there'll be no red hat purple clothing club for me...
light, loose, clean, perfumed cotton smelling of surf, sand and painted toes will be how I roll...

I suppose because there are areas out of control in life that I continue to seek simplicity...

an apron pocket of seeds, a basket of fresh eggs, a camping trailer named Pork 'n Beans...

a summer garden, white clothing hanging behind my bedroom door...
light salads, crisp wines, greeting cards addressed and mailed...
travel dreams involving bicycle island to explore....
the sea...orcas....a famous farmers market....

we may not be in control of the road ahead, but we can choose how we travel down it....

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