Wednesday, July 15, 2015

advise from a ninety year old on growing old.....

she's the "go to" person in my life when things get tough....

she's lived a long time...

and has always given me the most sound words to follow and advise to store away for later in life..

1. Trust in things unseen....
2. Life is short...forgive...even when there are reasons not to...
3. Make'll need them in life...especially when you are retired and alone
4. Life is harder for each generation...stop comparing your life to theirs
5. Don't talk about your problems....people have their own..and they will stop calling you if all they hear is your mouth listing ailments and aging side effects...
6. Turn off the television when people stop over....not just turning it down... they are busy with lives of their grateful they share their time with you and don't make them regret the visit
7. Be an interesting person with hobbies and stay current with become dull....
8. Don't talk about what you can't physically do anymore...
9. Ask about other people and how they are doing...
10. Learn something new every day.... every single day....if you're alive...make it count....

let's hope as the decades pass...I'll find this list again...and read it...

I'd like to say I stayed long and visited for hours....

but her phone was ringing off the hook....callers and folks at the door....

she said it's an expected experience this time of life .....

these last few years filled with loneliness when your life partner is gone...saying it's hard....

but she stays focused on others and off herself....and I think that's her secret....

it's never about her....needs or wants.....fears or worries....

always a friendly warm smile..a hug and "hello sweetie"... that keeps her front porch busy and the phone calls coming...

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