Friday, July 29, 2016

hello...happy Friday!!

I'm wrapping up the end of a work week today...

grateful for having a paycheck to deposit....

and looking forward to time spent with friends over the weekend while hubby continues to be away visiting his Mom...

he left me with a non properly working toilet and an irrigation controller that's not programmed correctly...

the plumbing can be resolved by using the other bathroom....

the sprinkler system?

well, after getting somewhat crabby at the instructions he left me with....
I turned the knobs this way and that a couple of times on the controller dial....
and shut the door on the box and walked away muttering to myself...
knowing that I had no idea as to what those instructions were...nor did I care...

well, low and behold...
this morning when I woke up and went outside on my way to work....
the entire property looked to be fully soaked and relieved for the moisture that has been withheld...

now, I may have used up the resources of California's drought situation...
but honestly, I don't care a hoot...

my yard has suffered long enough...

so word to those who investment means more to me than your dead yard while you save water (which you are fooled thinking our yards will save the state)

will the water come back on tonight? who knows?....

guess hubby will just have to figure it out when he returns...

until then? flowering lantana is grateful and rewarding me with new red blooms!!

see you soon, the mailman left me a present in the post...

and you have to see it!!!

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