Thursday, October 13, 2016


I got half way there...

the photos are now on the laptop...

time has been spent inside the trailer getting ready for the first trip out (really, the second, but that first trip was before the walls were painted, the table built, the refrigerator installed....)

so this trip, will include a bit of sweet vintage, new appliances, and a whole bunch of excitement!!

I'll try, try, try to upload tonight before going to bed some recent pictures...

my knitting is keeping me content, the cool weather is keeping me giddy, and the calendar of 2017 is keeping me far away from the gloom that had been hanging on for so very long....

so my dear friends....please give me a few more hours to add some photos, finish my day at work, and pick over the last few bits of décor that will join us over the weekend inside the trailer....

Lap Dog Knits....     

1 comment:

Summer said...

Can't wait to see your photos ♥