Thursday, June 16, 2011


These are not the original pictures I had planned to post today.....I'm still having a bit of a problem using my new laptop and the disk I copied the photos on to,,,,so, here's some I swiped from Man In Black's camera....they're good but....I think you'll enjoy the next batch better....I'll get this figured out today. I'll show you the gates and tiles a bit later after I get this figured out.....wish me luck:)

Here's the recipe I used for the Spicy Peach Jam -

1 3/4 cups prepared fruit (this is about 1 1/2 lbs. of ripe fruit)
2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
1/8 - 1/4 tsp. cloves (omit if you don't care for cloves)

3 cups of sugar

Prepare the fruit by removing all the skin and pits and chop the peaches into small bites.
Side Note: I put the whole peach into a pot of boiling water for a few seconds and let them cool and then the skins will peel off easy with your fingers.

Mix the sugar and lemon juice and spices together and then add to the chopped fruit and mix well.
Boil the water and add the pectin and stir for about 3 minutes.

I mashed the peaches with a potato masher (you could use a food processor) but I like my jam with pieces of fruit so I found the masher worked best for me.

Add the pectin and stir into the peach/lemon juice/spice mixture and stir for about 3 minutes.

Ladle into sterlized canning jars, put on the lids and leave at room temp. to let the pectin set
(this can take up to 24 hrs.).
If you're going to eat this now you can keep it in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks, otherwise, put the jars in the freezer and enjoy later.

Here's some more pictures too....I wanted you to see the detail of the church.
Each bit of tile was cut and placed (1000's of them everywhere). There was not a single area that didn't have extreme detail and workmanship throughout this area.

Also, I loved the gates....wonderful gates everywhere with plant material left to grow and take over in competition with the rust. It is beautiful and if I could I would have brought each and everyone of them home with me....tomorrow I'll show you all the wonderful doors.

My knitting - I'm working on a rather boring shawl that's knit with sock yarn and is taking FOREVER!!
Man In Black asked what I was making and I told him something to throw over me when we go to the, we don't go to the movies much but it's one of those places I like to have a little soft some'n some'n to cover up with. Since I had the yarn and I don't knit socks I opted to make a "going to the movies shawl". Maybe I'll wear it outside too, first I have to see what is looks like when I'm far..... I'm thinking it's a dud. So why am I still knitting it??? Because I'm a Scorpio and even after the race is over and everyone's gone home we're still out there running thinking some how, some way, we can change the outcome. Either way I'll show you the results and I'll use it to cover up while I watch Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow.....
maybe I should wear this several times to the movies to watch Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow:)
Maybe this will be my Jack Sparrow Shawl???? Hey, I think I'm on to something here......
Have a great day....see you soon.

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