Friday, March 7, 2014

I don't know how your life is going along…..

but mine is feeling like the time is lightening fast….

how did we get to Friday already?

what happened to Wednesday?

remember the yellow sheet of paper I told you about crumpled in my purse with the list of
"To Do" tasks?

last night after work I was able to cross off two more…..a trip to the hardware store took care of the paint purchases and my lunch hour took care of a couple more items and with the swipe of a #2 pencil….viola, done…….more off the notepad scribble

before bed….the dogs got a trip around the block a couple of times….
pulling the entire time but that's okay….

there was a time not long ago I thought we were going to have to say goodbye to Gina from an illness. so to have her jumping and pulling every which way, from yard to yard, tree to tree was a pleasure while we walked the neighbors sidewalks……

much like my pans….I have today lined up and filled with more than I wish to have on my plate….

but that's certainly not complaining on my part…'s all good stuff

the house will be filled again over the weekend with activity, family, and pets…..

and hopefully the list completed….please, please, pleeeeease not more added to it instead!!!

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