Monday, March 24, 2014

the legs are sore,

the arm has a bruise that I have no idea where it came from,

and I can look outside and see the waiting flats of plant material gone….

it was a full weekend, and like all the others….

many things were left uncompleted…

an early morning walk with a close friend - didn't happen
a surprise visit from another dear friend - did
the trailer brought home for packing - didn't happen
time with all my kids - did

ice cream cones and popcorn were on the menu along with healthy fresh vegetables with lemon..

Mom will be thrilled when she sees her garden - hours and hours were spent shoveling, raking, mulching…

Zoe was busy feeding weeds through the chicken wire and two year old talk with her bucket of dirt…

soon we'll begin her fairy garden but first I needed to get Mom's tomato, chives, peppers, and onions in the ground…

I didn't know shoveling and removing sod would take so long, I should have started this back in December…but then I was buried under Christmas decorations so that wouldn't have worked either….

the tomatoes be join with an assortment of sunflowers, Velvet Queens, Dwart Sunspots,
Teddy Bears, and Italian Whites….. (have to add Italian tomatoes and sunflowers for my baby Zoe….keeping her Sicilian born roots…her "Mama Mia" is adorable)

the yard is beginning to bloom, fruit is heavy on the trees, the vegetables are in the ground….

several large container pots remain empty (along with a pair of boots) that are in need of planting ….

happy to say, with the added daylight it'll get done this week…

the door panels for the trucks and trailers for the upcoming trip arrived very late on Friday evening..

as a favor I've taken on this project for the group - everyone's turned out perfectly…

except mine….go figure….the Sister number is wrong so it'll have to go back….time is short…..

have a great week ahead, I'll be doing the same…..

an added bonus to the weekend? a shopkeeper saw a photo I'd taken of my chickens online and asked if she could use it on the Open House flyer for the store….I don't know which I was flattered about…

that she liked the photo or the excitement about my chickens being on an ad????

I think it's the chickens on the ad…
Eric told me last night after seeing a recent photo I'd taken that it was "really good"….and coming from Eric….I think my photography is coming along ….

the Sisters made comments on the photos from Lopez Lake….and since they didn't know who took them… their compliments were unexpected and boosted my hopes of improving with the camera….

see you soon…off to work I go…..again ugh.


Southern_Belle_Reincarnated said...

I LOVE your chicken crossing sign...adorable!

Prairie Rose said...

Congrats on your now famous Chickens!
That is fun:)
Love to see all the blooming flowers in your yard. Just lovely.