Wednesday, August 13, 2014

after having a brief panic attack that I may have left my camera bag at the lake…
I was relieved to find it on the chair at the dining room table along side the cat…
my house is cluttered and untidy…..

life is short…
I'm not going to spend it cleaning…

I'm on the search for something to complete the beanie hat posted yesterday…
hopefully today I'll find it and post the finished project tomorrow…

I wasted no time in casting on for the next member in the extended family due in January..
it's a boy…bummer the parents took a peek to find out…
I've always thought why spoil the most exciting moment of your life when the gift isn't here yet…

anyway…it's going to be a newborn sized sweater to keep the little fellow warm his first days….

there's been reading about chickens and ideas to keep them comfortable in the continuing heat spell

tomato picking…and then more picking…
and then around the back fence.another bush that needing picking….

I love tomatoes..but I'm about ready for all this red goodness to be gone from my kitchen…

today's midweek….how's it been so far?

and just a side note….30 seconds after I took the picture of the new knit project..
the camera strap caught the ball of yarn and it all went flying…
and half of those tiny stitches came off the needle…

a few muttered words and the tiny loops back on the needle…… it's good to go….

just like the day is looking so far…. have a good one!!

see you tomorrow hopeful with my completed Portland hat…
a little something to wear at the farmers market…Pam you'll be wanting one…pick your color…

oh bummer…the knitting project?'
I'll have to rip it all back and begin again…too many stitches missing and the strands are doubled so it's easier to just begin again….let's hope this isn't a sample of how the rest of this day is going to go….

1 comment:

Mereknits said...

Boys are wonderful, but I am sad that it seems everyone takes a peek these days, it feels anti-climatic. It is one of the best mysteries in the world, why ruin it with a peek?