Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Pork n' Beans - The Beginning

it's official....
the repairs and remodel in the little vintage trailer have begun...
I'd like to tell you that bringing it home to the backyard for restoration was easy..
but then I'd likely be hit by lightening...
the back fence was removed....
then there was a great deal of profanity...
sweat....followed by profanity...
a nail in the new trailer tire...
followed by more profanity....
more sweat and likely regretful feelings of marrying me 35 years ago by my dear hubby...
a couple of orange tree limbs removed or else remove the side garage wall...
followed by "I'll go get the next-door neighbor to lend a hand" spoken by me...
followed by "yes, do that" by him....

finally, it was in place and we thanked the neighbor for his help...
then looked at each other and turned and walked away....in different directions...

it was a quiet afternoon after that....
I'm fairly certain we'll remain married, but I am also very certain this will be the last trailer that ever comes home to the back yard for my "let's have a new project" together idea....


three days later the painful shoulder has eased....
the tire has been replaced with a new one...
and I made him a steak dinner....

it's all good: and he's enjoying his new "after work" project in the yard...

when Eric came over on Sunday....??
well, all I heard from the other room was ...."WOW, How'd you'd guys get that in the yard??"

followed by "And why didn't you call me???"

I asked myself that same question a million times while I was sweating in the alley with orange tree branches stabbing me in the head....


Spare Parts and Pics said...

Wow, talk about a tight fit!!! Some great pics here. I like the one of you using the drill!

Anonymous said...

Hilarious, when it is someone else!! I was hoping it ended like that time backing out of the chick dump with you in the middle of the road and him yelling "get in the car Kyle!!" and then the brief silence followed by uncontrollable laughter! I am pretty sure no one would remove a fence to park an RV for me! Now the fun begins, right?